Can I Work AND Receive Social Security Disability?
Say you are receiving your monthly social security disability benefits. But, you find yourself with a little extra time and energy on your hands. The question for a disability attorney in Kansas City is, can I work but still receive my social security disability benefits? For this question, there is more of an explanation than a straight answer from disability lawyers in Kansas City. The best answer would be yes, but…
Yes, you can still work while receiving your social security disability. However, there are specific requirements that have to be met and changes made in order for it to work out. Those who do receive SSD benefits cannot do what’s considered SGA, or substantial gainful activity, and still, receive SSD benefits. What this means is that you could not work and earn more than $1,260 per month while still on SSD. Social security disability lawyers in Kansas City understand that this is not much to live on alone a month, but it is the case when it comes to outside income earnings.
There is a short trial period of around nine months where you could attempt to work and test your ability to function in a workplace. This can be while still receiving your full benefits regardless of SGA requirements. After this time span, however, it switches a bit. Then for a period of 36 months, you are still allowed to work. But, you only earn your SSD in months where your earnings fall below SGA.
Kansas City disability law can be a confusing process if you are not used to the rules, but we are here to help. If you or a loved one is currently going through a difficult time with the SSA, give a trusted disability attorney in Kansas City a call to assist you through the process. We can help answer questions like “How do I file for disability in Kansas City?” and “How much am I supposed to receive?”. Call a disability law firm in Kansas City KS today to discuss your options.