Methods of Speeding Up Social Security Disability Claims
The Social Security disability process is a long one. For example, it’s not uncommon to wait a year between the request for a hearing before a judge and the hearing itself.
However, there are special circumstances the Social Security Administration recognizes as urgent. If one of these conditions is met, an applicant may have his or her hearing scheduled more quickly than usual. While all people applying for Social Security Disability are in need, these cases are considered severe enough that the claims are processed more quickly.
Dire Need
The Social Security Administration deems a case one of “dire need” if one or more of the following conditions is met:
- The applicant is homeless, will soon become homeless, and/or has a home but is at risk of losing it. This can be supported by sending the Administration eviction notices, foreclosure notices, shut-off letters, and/or documentation from a homeless shelter.
- The applicant does not have food to eat, and/or cannot afford to buy food.
- The applicant cannot afford medical care. To demonstrate this, a claimant could submit medical bills or pharmacy records, or evidence that the claimant’s insurance is going to be – or has already been – discontinued.
Recognized Illnesses
An illness may qualify a claimant for faster processing of a claim. If the claimant has an illness that is considered terminal, their claim will likely be expedited.
The Social Security Administration may also process a claim more quickly if a claimant’s condition meets the requirements for a “compassionate allowance.” The Administration has a catalogue of conditions that satisfy this standard. Sometimes it is enough to show that a claimant has been diagnosed with one of the listed ailments. For some illnesses, the claimant must show that they have both been diagnosed and that the condition is sufficiently severe as to require a speedy decision. For example, some cancers are only considered for compassionate allowances if they are inoperable or have metastasized.
Service Members
Finally, claims may be expedited if filed by current or former military services members, so long as the condition began during active duty.
Requesting an expedited review of a Social Security Disability claim can be complicated. BurnettDriskill understands that you may need to have your claim reviewed urgently, and knows how best to present your case to the Administration to get you the help you need.