legal information
Were you ordered to attend a consultative exam at Midwest CES? We can help.
The Kansas City Star recently ran an article investigating exams ordered in disability benefit claims. In the Kansas City area, these exams are often performed by Midwest CES. Our office has brought lawsuits against Midwest CES and the Social Security Administration...
3 Ways to be Prepared for Your Disability Hearing
A disability hearing can be intimidating and overwhelming, but it is often a necessary step on the road to receiving benefits. It is your opportunity to be heard by an administrative law judge (ALJ). This blog is a resource to help you be proactive in your...
Signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a mental health condition that people can develop after they go through a serious life-threatening event. There are many signs of post traumatic stress disorder. It’s normal to have stress reactions associated with these types...
Why Have My Disability Payments Stopped?
You received and counted on disability benefits every month, but now your disability payments stopped. Why? Let’s say you were fortunate enough to have short-term disability (STD) or long-term disability (LTD) coverage as one of the benefits provided by your employer....
Do you know what disability benefits are available to you?
Do you know what disability benefits are available to you? Our office devotes a substantial effort to representing people who cannot work because of severe and chronic health conditions --- including Social Security Administration, employer-provided Short Term...
Ways to Prepare for Your Social Security Disability Hearing
Over 60% of social security applications are denied and granted a review and hearing. Preparation to fight for your claim is extremely important to gain acceptance from the court of law. Ways that you can prepare for your social security disability hearing include...
Do I Really Need a Lawyer to Help With My Disability Claim?
Getting a lawyer to assist you with your disability claim may seem costly and unnecessary, but in reality it is a crucial aspect of getting your application approved. Studies have shown that applicants who are assisted by a lawyer are 3x more likely to have their...