If you are no longer able to work due to a mental disability, you may be entitled to benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA operates a program known as Social Security disability insurance—or SSDI—that supports people who are no longer able to work due to a disabling condition.
Countless conditions can qualify. In addition to physical injuries and diseases, you could also recover SSDI for mental illness in Kansas City. You will need to be able to prove your mental impairment prevents you from working, and other qualifications must be met. An experienced attorney can guide you through the process.
The SSA recognizes a large number of disabling conditions and documents them in the “blue book.” This publication lists all known disabilities that have resulted in successful SSDI claims, although the list is not exhaustive.
In the blue book, there are nine distinct categories of mental disorders. These conditions have individual sets of criteria that must be met to qualify for benefits. Diagnosing one of these conditions is an essential first step, but it may not be enough for your claim to be successful. You might also need to provide the following:
In addition to confirming that you are living with a mental illness, securing SSDI benefits in Kansas City also requires proof that you are unable to secure any gainful employment. This must be expected to last for a minimum of one year or result in your death.
The specific conditions that can lead to a successful claim are varied. Some of the most common examples include the following:
It can be challenging to establish the severity of your impairment when it comes to these conditions. Unlike physical injuries that have visible symptoms, there may not be any outward signs that you are dealing with a disabling condition. An SSDI lawyer with BurnettDriskill can help you demonstrate the extent of your illness.
Another critical aspect of SSDI eligibility for mental illnesses in Kansas City is your prior work history. Payroll taxes pay for these benefits, and only people with an extensive history of working qualify.
To get the maximum available benefits, you must show that you have earned 40 work credits during your life, with 20 of those coming in the previous 10 years. You can generally earn four credits annually if you work full-time.
If a disabling mental condition has impacted your ability to earn a living, you can apply for benefits through the SSA. These benefits can be truly life-changing, offering financial support and security during challenging times.
If you have any questions about SSDI for mental illness in Kansas City, our legal team can provide answers. Contact an experienced disability attorney at BurnettDriskill today for more information and to start your journey toward potential benefits.