Have You Received a Disability Review from Social Security Administration?
You have been on disability for a while now and you are suddenly notified by SSA that they are reviewing your claim for disability benefits. Included in the letter will be a form to complete with your ongoing updated medical treatment and daily activities. Once you have returned this information to SSA, they will collect your medical records and make a decision whether or not you are still disabled. This is the start of your disability review from the Social Security Administration.
Disability Review
If SSA states you are still disabled, your benefits will not be affected and you will continue to receive your benefits.
If SSA claims you can return back to work, you have only TEN (10) days to contact SSA to continue your benefits through the review process. I suggest that you go into the local SSA office and request that your benefits are continued within that ten-day timeframe in person and request a receipt. Once you have missed this time frame, you will be unable to have your benefits re-instated until an approval of continuing disability has been made.
Once you have continued your benefits, you may choose to contact an attorney to help with your appeal which should be filed within 60–days of the denial date. Your attorney will attend a hearing at the local DDS office with you.
At this time, if you are approved your benefits will continue or be re-instated if they have stopped. If you are denied a second time, you may request a hearing for your case to be heard by an Administrative Law Judge. Any benefits that you are receiving at this time will cease until an approval decision has been made.
If at any time you are denied for disability, you will be responsible for repaying any benefits that you received during the time period you are now claimed disabled. If you are in dire need, you may complete an application to waive overpayment and submit to SSA. Unless SSA, agrees that you are dire need, you will be responsible for repaying the overpayment. You may set up a payment plan with SSA.
This can be a very frustrating and confusing time for you. We would be happy to discuss any questions you may if you receive a review request. Please contact us at BurnettDriskill (816)-781-4836.