Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims can be frustrating. Many people deal with denials from the Social Security Administration (SSA), only to ultimately have their claims approved.
You can increase your chances of having your claim approved by getting the help of a lawyer who handles Kansas City SSDI claims. Call our experienced SSDI attorneys today.
The SSA offers two programs for people with disabilities: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and SSDI. SSI is a needs-based program that provides income to people with disabilities.
SSDI is not needs-based. It compensates workers who are unable to work.
To qualify for SSDI, you must show that you meet the medical criteria. The SSA considers whether a person’s illnesses, conditions, and injuries qualify as disabilities.
The disability has to impact your ability to work in a job you are qualified to do. For example, a physical condition may lead to disability payments for a laborer but not necessarily for an office worker.
You also have to comply with the SSA’s rules. The application process and the appeals process have distinct steps. Missing a step can cause the SSA to reject your application. A Kansas City attorney can help file your SSDI claim to ensure it is properly presented.
Worrying about your SSDI application is natural. Instead of trying to handle it yourself, consider a Kansas City lawyer to represent you in your SSDI claim.
Whether you or a loved one have a physical or mental disability, we can streamline the process and help you with any appeals. Schedule a consultation today to learn more.