For many families in Kansas City, it can be a challenge to make ends meet when a loved one is living with a long-term disability. From children to adults previously in the workforce, providing these individuals with the support they need often requires help from the federal government.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides monetary benefits in this situation. These Social Security disability benefits can tremendously impact your life and the lives of your dependents.
Before filing a claim, learn more about the types of Social Security Disability benefits in Kansas City. Call an experienced Social Security disability attorney today to discuss your options and get the help you need to navigate the complex application process.
One of the most common types of Social Security Disability benefits available in Kansas City is Social Security disability insurance (SSDI). These benefits are reserved for people with disabilities who have worked and paid payroll taxes for a minimum amount of time.
Up to four work credits a year can be earned for full-time work, and those with 40 credits over the past decade could earn the maximum benefits. Applicants must also show they are living with a disabling condition recognized by the SSA.
When someone loses a spouse, they may be entitled to benefits through the SSA. Disabled widow and widower benefits are available to surviving spouses who became disabled before or within seven years following the passing of their spouse.
Supplemental Security Income—or SSI—is one of the most common types of Social Security Disability benefits in Kansas City. This federal program exists to provide support to low-income individuals with disabilities.
Applicants with assets or income above the threshold are not entitled to benefits. Income and assets, including property holdings, salary, and support from friends or family, are considered when determining eligibility.
More commonly referred to as DAC benefits, this form of compensation is paid to the adult children of individuals who qualify for Social Security. Eligibility for this program is limited. To qualify, applicants must be over 18 and have become disabled before their 22nd birthday.
There are requirements related to the parents of the applicant. If they are living, they must be entitled to disability or retirement benefits. If the parents are no longer living, they must have enough work credits to qualify for Social Security survivor’s benefits.
There are different types of Social Security Disability benefits in Kansas City, but qualifying for these programs could be more complicated than you realize. Applicants can seek legal counsel to advise them on their eligibility and guide them through the process. Call for a free consultation today to learn more.