The Difference Between SSDI and SSI
While SSDI and SSI are both administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA), a disability attorney in Kansas City will tell you that they are not the same thing. It’s very easy for these two to be used interchangeably, which is why many people are confused when told they are two completely different programs. To ensure we’re all on the same page here, we are going to discuss the difference between SSDI and SSI as disability lawyers in Kansas City for your understanding.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
SSDI is an entitlement program for people younger than 65, regardless of income and assets, who have accumulated enough work credits and have contributed to the Social Security system for a minimum of ten years. Payroll taxes help fund the SSDI program.
Under SSDI, there is something known as auxiliary benefits. These are partial dependent benefits that a disabled person’s spouse and children over the age of 18 may receive.
Because SSDI applicants are more likely to be covered by insurance, have higher income, have visited a doctor for their medical problems, and have a long work history, they are more likely to get approved than SSI applicants.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Where SSDI is an entitlement program, SSI is a means-tested program, as in it’s a program that doesn’t deal with work history but is instead designed to help those with financial need. According to Social Security disability lawyers in Kansas City,
SSI disability benefits are given to low-income individuals who have less than $2,000 in assets, a limited income, and have either never worked or don’t have enough work credits to qualify for SSDI. Another way to put it is that SSI helps disabled individuals who have a difficult time paying for food and shelter due to the inability to work and make sufficient income.
In most cases, for those who meet the income requirements for SSI also qualify for Medicaid benefits.
To see if you qualify for either SSDI or SSI, or need help with the disability appeal process in Kansas City, contact our team of disability lawyers in Kansas City at BurnettDriskill. Your chance of getting approved during the disability appeal process in Kansas City with an attorney for disability in Kansas City on your side. At BurnettDriskill we are dedicated to helping those who need help securing disability benefits.