What to Know About Social Security and Invisible Disability in Kansas City
What do anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, and fatigue have it common? They’re all “invisible” disabilities. This is What to Know About Social Security and Invisible Disability in Kansas City!
An “invisible disability” is not so apparent to the naked eye. While an amputee or someone in a wheelchair shows an observable disability, someone who has a mental disorder or chronic pain that limits their ability to perform everyday activities may find themselves asking the question, “How do I file for disability in Kansas City?”
Applying for SSDI when someone has an invisible disability can be a draining and upsetting process. Not all disabilities are visible, and many conditions don’t have clear-cut definitions, which makes it difficult in the disability appeal process in Kansas City. It is very easy for the Social Security Administration to deny someone applying for SSDI without much proof, whether that is physical characteristics or medical documentation.
Despite how common mental disorders are in the United States, there are still misconceptions about these conditions. For example, if you are unable to perform tasks at your current job, but can perform different tasks held a previously held position, you may not qualify.
If you’re considering applying for SSDI, working with social security disability lawyers in Kansas City can dramatically increase your chance of getting approved. Nearly 70% of people who file get denied their first time. Disability lawyers in Kansas City have the knowledge needed to file or appeal a qualified claim. The Social Security Administration can be relentless when it comes to approving SSDI claims.
You need a certified attorney for disability in Kansas City who will get you the benefits you deserve. No one impacted by an invisible disability should be questioned or doubted about their condition, which is why BurnettDriskill, Attorneys is here to help. As a trusted disability law firm in Kansas City, you will work with an experienced disability attorney in Kansas City who will review your case front to back and fight for the benefits you’re entitled to. Give us a call at (816) 844-3401 to schedule your free consultation.