Each year, thousands of people across the country are diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus, more commonly known as lupus. While anyone in Kansas City is at risk of getting this condition, certain members of the population are much more likely, including women of childbearing age and those of African American, Hispanic, or Asian descent.
The symptoms of lupus can include arthritis, fatigue, seizures and memory problems, heart damage, and other potentially debilitating issues. Some people with this chronic disease are unable to work, leaving them with a need for financial assistance. When you are in this situation, consider speaking with a disability lawyer about SSDI for lupus in Kansas City.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) that people pay through taxes on their income. To receive SSDI disability payments in Kansas City, people must meet certain eligibility requirements, including having enough work credits and a qualifying medical condition that prevents them from working, such as lupus.
Social Security work credits are determined by your total income through wages or self-employment each year. People can earn up to four credits a year. To qualify for SSDI benefits, most people need at least 40 work credits, with 20 of those credits earned in the past 10 years.
The SSA considers people disabled and possibly eligible for SSDI benefits if they have experienced a medical condition that has significantly impacted their ability to do the work involved in their position or any job for at least a year or their condition is likely to result in death.
Applying for SSDI benefits can be difficult, requiring claimants and their doctors to show the condition through medical documentation, treatment plans, and other records. Denials are common, and there are many layers to the SSDI appeals process.
An experienced Kansas City disability attorney could help you navigate the process by assisting you in gathering the documentation needed to establish that you have lupus and correctly completing and filing your application. An SSDI lawyer could also maintain communication with the SSA and respond to any requests for information as they review your application.
If your SSDI application has been denied, an attorney could help you file a request for reconsideration with the SSA and represent your case through the appeals process. Your lawyer could review the details of your situation and determine if other disability programs might also benefit you.
The legal team at BurnettDriskill has years of experience advocating for those who are suffering from disabling conditions such as lupus in Kansas City. We are committed to helping our clients get the benefits that they earned through their hard work.
Let us provide you with a free case evaluation to review your legal options based on your case’s specific details, answer your questions, and determine your next steps in seeking SSDI benefits. Call us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.